This documentary film provides a history of the Croatian Peasant Party from the perspective of the diaspora in Canada. This party and its members in the diaspora have played a key role in opposition politics in Croatia for more than one hundred years. They serve as a critical voice against government corruption, crime, secret police actions, and resurgence of Stalinist communist ideology.
The Croatian diaspora is now almost as large as the Croatian population in the homeland and is seeking increased representation in the Croatian Parliament. Interviews with Canadian members of the Canadian Peasant Party diaspora and its leaders have been filmed and provide a rich picture of their distinctive cultural, personal, political, and historical contributions to Croatian and Canadian life.
Director Nikola Knez
Producer HSS Ivan Gundulić Vancouver
Co Producer Josip Bepo Cecić
Screenplay Dr. Dorothy McClellan, Srećko Mandić
Narrator Nikola Knez
Director of Photography David Knez
Editor Kristian Matias Knez
Film Genre Documentary
Country Canada, Croatia, USA
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