Međunarodni filmski festival WorldFest Houston upravo je objavio pobjednike 57. po redu filmskog festivala 2024. u Houstonu, Teksas. NIKOLA KNEZ, hrvatsko-američki redatelj, dobitnik je 9 međunarodnih REMI nagrada – 2 platinaste, 5 zlatnih i 2 srebrne! Sve nagrađene produkcije imaju Hrvatsku tematiku i dostupne su na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku na web stranici Hrvatskog filmskog instituta: Otkako je 2004. stigao u SAD, dobio je više od 80 međunarodnih filmskih nagrada.
WorldFest je najstariji kontinuirani filmski festival na svijetu s istim izvršnim direktorom, koji ima posebnu viziju već 57 godina zaredom. To je najstariji filmski festival na jugu SAD-a i treći najstariji međunarodni filmski/video festival u Sjevernoj Americi, nakon San Francisca i NYC-a.
"WorldFest se bavi potvrđivanjem izvrsnosti!" Misija WorldFesta je prepoznati i potvrditi kreativnu izvrsnost u filmskoj i video produkciji u svakom aspektu i kategoriji filmskog stvaralaštva. Mnogi filmaši kažu da im nagrada Remi s WorldFesta otvara vrata za napredak u karijeri. Umjetnička i programska direktorica WorldFesta, Kathleen Haney, izjavila je: "Žarko smo posvećeni kvalitetnim nezavisnim filmovima i nastavljamo koristiti 'Dobra priča, dobro ispričana' kao naš vremenski provjereni pristup odabiru filmova". WorldFest je međunarodni, natjecateljski i poziva filmaše iz cijelog svijeta.
S više od 4750 prijavljenih filmova u raznim kategorijama, samo oko 10-15% osvoji nagradu REMI! Standardi WorldFesta vrlo su visoki – jednaki standardima vrhunskih akademskih časopisa.
WorldFest je dodijelio prva najveća priznanja Spielbergu, Lucasu, Francisu Fordu Coppoli, Randalu Kleiseru, braći Coen, Ridleyu Scottu, Robertu Rodriguezu, Spikeu Leeju, Gavinu Hoodu, Johnu Lee Hancocku, Johnu Frankenheimeru, Michaelu Ciminu, Leslie Linka Glatter, Oliveru Stoneu, Ang Lee, Atom Egoyan i David Lynch, među mnogim drugima! Samo nekoliko drugih festivala ima takav rekord "Discoveryja".
WorldFest International Film Festival has just announced its 2024 57th annual film festival winners in Houston, Texas. NIKOLA KNEZ, Croatian-American filmmaker, is the recipient of 9 international REMI awards – 2 Platinum, 5 Gold and 2 Silver! His productions all have Croatian themes and are available in Croatian and English at the Croatian Film Institute website: Since arriving in the USA in 2004, he has received more than 80 international film awards.
WorldFest is the oldest continuous film festival in the world with the same executive director, serving with a special vision for 57 consecutive years. It is the oldest film festival in The South, and the 3rd oldest International Film/Video Festival in North America, after San Francisco & NYC.
“WorldFest is in the business of validating excellence!” The mission of WorldFest is to recognize and validate creative excellence in film & video production in every facet and category of filmmaking. Many filmmakers report that a Remi Award from WorldFest opens doors to advance their careers. WorldFest Artistic and Program Director, Kathleen Haney, stated, “We are fiercely dedicated to quality independent films and we continue to use ‘A good story, well told’ as our time-tested approach to film selection”. WorldFest is international, competitive and invites filmmakers worldwide.
With more than 4,750 category entries, only about 10-15% actually win a Remi Award! WorldFest standards are very high – equal to that of fine academic journals.
WorldFest gave first top honors to Spielberg, Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Randal Kleiser, The Coen Brothers, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez, Spike Lee, Gavin Hood, John Lee Hancock, John Frankenheimer, Michael Cimino, Leslie Linka Glatter, Oliver Stone, Ang Lee, Atom Egoyan and David Lynch, among many others! Few other festivals have such a “Discovery” track record.
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